1. Get your organization to sign our statement
Click here for the letter.
2. Tweet about the G20 Meetings in Kashmir by copying these pre-written tweets below:
By hosting the G20 meeting in Kashmir, India is seeking international normalization of its settler-colonial project. This is a flagrant attempt to legitimize its occupation of the region and project a false image of normalcy. #nog20inkashmir #boycottg20inkashmir
The International community should take a stand against India’s decision to hold g20 meetings in Kashmir. India must be held accountable for their illegal occupation of Kashmiri land. #nog20inkashmir #boycottg20inkashmir
G20 member countries should demand that the Indian government end the repression of Kashmiris, release political prisoners, & open up Kashmir to the world as a starting point towards a resolution that respects the aspirations of the people. #nog20inkashmir #boycottg20inkashmir
India is hosting G20 meetings in Kashmir– an occupied territory subject to colonial domination & fascist repression. India continues to deny basic human & democratic rights to the Kashmiri people. Learn more at www.standwithkashmir.org/nog20inkashmir #nog20inkashmir
If you are an organization, support the coalition to boycott the g20 in occupied Kashmir and sign their letter today at https://bit.ly/nog20ink. #nog20inkashmir #boycottg20inkashmir
3. Share & amplify this campaign.
Share the below sample caption along with the following graphics below:
As this year’s host of the G20 summit, India is holding a series of meetings across the country. One of these meetings, on May 22-24, will be held in occupied Kashmir as part of the Tourism Working Group. Over 100 international delegates from the member countries of the G20 are expected to arrive in Srinagar, where they will discuss the use of digital technology for cultural preservation, amongst other topics.
Learn more at https://standwithkashmir.org/no-g20-in-indian-occupied-kashmir/ coalition partners include @standwkashmir , @kashmirlawjustice, Kashmir Scholars Consultative and Action Network, @projectsouthtl, @thepolisproject , International Defenders Council, @wolpalestine , @wearedissenters #nog20inkashmir #boycottg20inkashmir, @ampalestine

4. Organize a protest or educational event during the G20 in Kashmir (May 22-24).
Contact info@standwithkashmir.org for any support!
5. Write op-eds for local, national, or international press.
6. Cover this story if you’re a journalist or a creative.
Feel free to contact media@standwithkashmir.org for more information!
7. Volunteer and support a Kashmir advocacy/solidarity organization.
Kashmiris have long fought for their rights and freedoms and suffered India’s intensive militarized occupation and repression. There is no representative governance, no international access, no free speech, no free assembly, no access to justice and no independent media in Kashmir. The Indian state, which is overtly fascist, is at war with civil society and dissent in Kashmir. Instead of defending Kashmiris’ rights, powerful states have abetted India. India’s G20 presidency is part of that process.
In Kashmir – which is ground zero for nuclear war, global conflict, climatic catastrophe, “democratic” authoritarianism, Islamophobia and fascism – the Indian state is expanding Hindu supremacist settler-colonialism, stripping resources, strangulating the economy, erasing the local culture, and committing human rights violations and atrocity crimes with impunity. The Indian state is continuing its programs of mass incarceration, systematic torture, property destruction, land expropriation and dispossession of vulnerable communities. It is also enhancing its apparatus of surveillance, disinformation and forced silencing. The international community needs to demand accountability from India; not further perpetuate these atrocities.
Azadi for Kashmir! Azadi for all!