Covid Crisis In Kashmir

The Indian State Is Weaponizing The Pandemic Against Kashmiris

As a result of the Indian state’s negligence and discrimination, Kashmir is seeing a rise in COVID-19 cases. Decades of conflict and occupation have stunted the healthcare infrastructure. Although Kashmiri NGO's have done incredible work, on May 6th India has forbidden NGOs from accessing life saving oxygen by restricting the supply of oxygen to ‘designated hospitals’ and army sectors only. Additionally, the Indian occupation has prohibited Kashmir doctors from speaking to media as COVID rages across the Valley.

Here Is How You Can Help Kashmir's COVID Crisis

Despite the mass deaths in India, the Indian government has yet to cancel the Amarnath Pilgrimage. It plans to ferry over 600,000 people from all over India into Kashmir by using over 30,000 administrative and military personnel.

Right now thousands of Kashmiris languish in prisons across the region and India. Most have been arrested without charge and without prospect of trial under draconian laws like the so called ‘Public Safety Act’ (PSA) and Unlawful Activities Prevention Act (UAPA). They are effectively facing a death sentence in overcrowded, unhygienic, and poorly ventilated prisons.

1. Call Your Representatives

Use the following phone script below when making the call.


My name is _____ and I’m calling you today as your constituent to express my concern about the rise in Covid-19 cases in Kashmir, where the Indian state’s negligence and discrimination is causing a medical crisis. In particular, the Indian state plans to hold the annual Amarnath pilgrimage, which would bring over 600k people from all over India to Kashmir, as well as restrictions on access to oxygen.

I request that your office pay special attention to what is happening in Jammu and Kashmir and request a response from the State Department and the Indian government. Any public statement, comment, and/or tweet expressing deep concerns on behalf of your Kashmiri American constituents would be greatly appreciated. I have also sent an email with more detail on why Kashmir needs your attention. Thank you for your time.


If you need help finding your elected officials, please find the “Tips & Guidance” section at the bottom of this page.

2. Email Your Representatives

Use this tool to send your automated emails.

3. After Calling & Emailing, Follow Up!

Once you have called and emailed your representatives, follow up by setting up a virtual or in-person (if permitting) meeting with your local elected officials. Once you secure a time, you can review the key issues by sharing this condensed PDF here.


You can also view this guide here to learn how you can set up some time with elected officials.

4. Donate To Local Medical Organizations In Kashmir

1. Donation link here if you’re based in the UK.

2. Donation link here for those who can transfer money locally to Kashmir.

3. Donation link here for all other international donations.

5. Sign The Petition & Send The Letters Prepped By Ruthless Collective.

Support our comrades at Ruthless Collective and sign their petition here.


They have also created automated emails that will be sent to the Shri Amarnath Board and to WHO. Send those emails today by clicking on the link here!

6. Share This Page And These Resources!

Share this with your community and networks. Kashmir continues to face extreme censorship so make sure you draw attention to the ongoing crisis in Kashmir.

india blocks oxygen in Kashmir
covid in Kashmir
covid in kashmir

Tips & Guidance

“How do I know who my representative is?”

Allies in the US can find their representatives here and here. Enter your zip code or state and it will tell you who your elected officials are. Once you have the names, you can find their contact information here and here.

Allies in Australia can click here to find your representative and their contact information.


“What office should I be calling?”

US supporters should start with the representatives D.C. office before you call their local offices. If no one picks up, make sure you leave a voicemail with your street address so they know you are a constituent.

If you can’t get through, call their local offices.


“Should I email or call my elected official?”

Calling is the most effective way to reach your elected official but you should follow up your call with an email detailing why Kashmir needs attention. We have created an email template that both US and AUS supporters can use.


For all other questions, email us at